Saturday, March 31, 2007
Gay Cousins
That said, I'm not sure if I'm entirely comfortable with gay cousins sleeping together.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
A 'Savage' attack...
Silly Savage. Transgedered people are Fierce, not Murderous.
Update: Obama Shirtless
And here's a link (love the pun):
'Fit' to be President?
It's not the greatest body in the world, but the president is right about one thing: NO ONE would want to see Dennis Hastert in a similar pose.
"Sleek, hairless pecs glistening in the surf"
Here's a quote from his speech to the Radio and Television Correspondents dinner last night that supports my theory:
"By the way, I’m not sure whether or not Senator Obama is here — the last I heard he was not coming to the Radio and TV Correspondents dinner — not enough press. People Magazine recently had a photo of the Senator there on the beach in Hawaii, his sleek, hairless pecs glistening in the surf. It shows how biased the press is. Have you ever seen a shot like that of Denny Hastert?"
I would argue that anyone who is willing to joke like that does not have a huge problem with homosexuality. Either way: LOL.
Here is a link to an article that includes a full transcript of Bush's speech: Bush and Rove Let It Loose, For a Bit.
A 72-year old activist in Detroit who was beaten in what preliminarily appeared to be a homophobic attack, his subsequent death increased political support for including GLBT protections in federal hate crime legislation.
Well, the big story in gay news outlets today is that the relevant medical examiner has ruled that Anthos' death was unrelated to any alleged attack.
But, as the Detroit Free Press asks, "Does it matter how he died?" Does anyone really doubt that gay people sometimes endure harassment or physical violence because they are gay? There are plenty of potential poster children for LGBT hate crimes. Let's move on.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
For those of you who aren't MySpace friends with John McCain
John McCain MySpace Page Hacked: Now 'Supports' Lesbian Marriage
Mr. Silverfox
Upon further reflection, I realize that anyone who changes their name to "Julio Roberto Silverwolf" is newsworthy - especially when the name change follows a FTM sex change!
It kinda reminds me of the time Homer Simpson changed his name to Max Powers (he got the name off a blow dryer) - only with a neat, gender-bending twist. I hope things go as well for Mr. Silverwolf as they did for Homer...
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
What's the difference between a lesbian and a Catholic?
As for the answer to my riddle? Any thoughts?
A Reason to Be Hopeful! (Re: Race and Sexuality)
Hypocritical? Understandable? or just Sad? - On Race and Sexuality
The NYT ran a great article today about historically African-American churches whose leaders have come out in favor of gay rights. While it's hardly news that some of these leaders have come under fire for such views, the magnitude of the effect in terms of lost parishioners is - to say the least - dispiriting. Indeed, one such pastor lost almost his entire flock when he voted to support the blessing of same-sex unions.
Of course, it's no secret that racial and sexual minorities have had an uneasy relationship. I wonder though: does this reflect a specific aspect of how black people are inclined to think about gays (think hip-hop culture, sexism, etc.)? or is this a reflection of the religiosity and other characteristics of the African-American population as a whole (think income levels, geographic distribution, etc.)? Most theories focus on species of the former explanation, while I am inclined to believe the latter.
It is worth noting that many Caucasian gay people have some negative feelings towards black people that definitely can not be explained away by referring to the demographics of the gay community as a whole. Given all the recent attention that has surrounded homophobic statements by prominent black men (Grey's Anatomy star Isaiah Washington and former NBA All-Star Tim Hardaway) , I think it's important to remember that this phenomenon - whatever the explanations behind it - is a two-way street. Furthermore, Caucasian gays may be even more culpable.
"Clarification," or "Why Gay People Can't Climb"
Well...because a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth like a bajillion. Ergo, here's a video that should give you a flavor of what I'm talking about:
Think ENDA, not N'Sync
At present, no website completely satisfies me in this regard. Some sites put too much emphasis on the gay side of the equation (think stories about Elton John). Other sites put too much emphasis on news (think general stories about Hillary that are acutely irrelevant to any gay political issue).
I'm hoping to steer a middle course that will be more focused, and - at least to me - more interesting. Think ENDA; not N'Sync...
"Ok, sure, whatever," you may say. "But what is the origin and significance of the title of this blog?"
To that I would reply "If you don't already know, then you probably wouldn't care."
If I were in a slightly more charitable mood, however, I would tell you that the origin of the name is "an extremely funny segment from the Daily Show with John Stewart." And the Significance? "It makes me laugh."
Ok, Ok, here's the clip: