Monday, June 29, 2009

"[I]f this can happen in San Francisco, it can happen anywhere"

Just a quick reminder of why we have Pride events. Apparently, someone vandalized a San Francisco memorial to gay holocaust victims. Said one of the installation's co-founders: "if this can happen in San Francisco, it can happen anywhere."

Friday, June 26, 2009

Perez Hilton is a Douche (in 6 steps)

Step 1) Perez Hilton called a f****t.

Step 2) Someone from's posse smacked Perez Hilton.

Step 3) The fight goes viral. And I mean this in the worst sense of the word. By 'viral,' I mean to invoke a conceptual stew of: the Plague, Twitter and Stupid People (the following video gets this across quite nicely).

Step 4) Perez threatens to sue

Step 5) Perez pledges to give any money he might obtain in this lawsuit to the Matthew Shepard foundation. Yes; Matthew Shepard. The boy who likely died while his killers hurled homophobic epithets.

Step 6) Judy Shepard - Matthew's mother - responds:

And that is why Perez Hilton is a DOUCHE.

Michael Jackson Shirtless: An Experiment

My most popular blog post ever was about some shirtless pictures that were snapped of Barack Obama about 18 months before he won the presidency. To this day, I get more hits from people searching for "obama shirtless" or "obama pecs" than everything else -

So I thought I'd do a little experiment to see if a person's fame always covaries with people's desire to see that person shirtless.

To test this hypothesis, Michael Jackson is the perfect person at the perfect time. At this moment, he is by far the most famous person in the world. At this moment, he is also probably one of the last people anyone *should* want to see shirtless.

In an attempt to mitigate the callousness of this endeavor, I've chosen a picture that won't gross anyone out. A picture of the Jackson 5 shirtless when they were still just a group of fairly normal-looking kids. A pic that isn't intended to be the least bit sexual:

...Afro-wholesome, ain't it?


Sunday is the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots. In honor of this anniversary, "stonewalling" is Stephen Colbert's word of the day. The implication of the bit is that Obama is stonewalling his GLBT supporters.

While I am frustrated with Obama, I wouldn't describe his approach quite so harshly. "Non-commital," maybe; but not "stonewalling." Or, as Colbert phrases it later in the show, "Obama swings both ways."

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Word - Stonewalling
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorMark Sanford

Interview with a Gay Exorcist

CNN just interviewed Patricia McKinney, pastor of Connecticut's Manifested Glory Ministries Church. From the looks of her, she could stand to lose a few demons of her own.

Gay Exorcisms: A Lesson in Unintended Consequences

By now, everyone has heard of the "gay exorcism" that went down at Manifested Glory Ministries. The video shows a teen rolling around while people yell things'd expect them to yell at a gay exorcism. Portions of the video can be found here.

Outrageous? Yes.

There is, however, a silver lining. As Stephen Colbert pointed out tonight, there is now a gay demon on the loose. A "poltergayst" (sp?) on the prowl...

I for one hope this demon finds Hunter Parrish.

Lordy, Lordy...that boy looks amazing shirtless. Praise Jebus!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

IS HE GAY? Jonathan Platero Edition

So you think you can dance seems to be systematically eliminating the cutest boys. One by one they go.

This is ironic, of course. I don't really have any information on the show's demographics, but I'm gonna go ahead and guess that it skews homo.

Just like the contestants.

So, is Jonathan Platero - the boy who got kicked off tonight - gay?

Unfortunately, no. I can report that - based on a detailed analysis of his web presence (i.e. his myspace page) - Jonathan is
NOT gay. This is unfortunate, because the boy sure looks good shirtless: