Friday, April 27, 2007

Who to Root AGAINST in 2008

I hate to be a negative-nelly, but Republicans have a better chance than you might think of retaining the presidency in 2008. Presidential politics doesn't really track the partisan affiliations of the country, and several Republicans are polling extremely well in hypothetical head-to-head match-ups with the front-runners in the Democratic primary.

So, which Republican candidate for President should you be most afraid of?

Here are the results from the American Family Association's online straw poll:

Democrats Republicans
Joe Biden 126 vote(s) Sam Brownback 5,084 vote(s)
Hillary Clinton 2,160 Jim Gilmore 170
Chris Dodd 27 Newt Gingrich 16,909
John Edwards 3,457 Rudy Giuliani 9,943
Barack Obama 2,669 Chuck Hagel 113
Bill Richardson 316 Mike Huckabee 5,084

Duncan Hunter 1,034

John McCain 8,262

Ron Paul 3,590

Mitt Romney 13,557

Fred Thompson 42,951

Tommy Thompson 762

Tom Tancredo 3,358

So, if Fred Thompson wins, pack your bags and buy a plane ticket to Sweden...

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