I hate to be a negative-nelly, but Republicans have a better chance than you might think of retaining the presidency in 2008. Presidential politics doesn't really track the partisan affiliations of the country, and several Republicans are polling extremely well in hypothetical head-to-head match-ups with the front-runners in the Democratic primary.
So, which Republican candidate for President should you be most afraid of?
Here are the results from the American Family Association's online straw poll:
Joe Biden
126 vote(s)
Sam Brownback
5,084 vote(s)
Hillary Clinton
Jim Gilmore
Chris Dodd
Newt Gingrich
John Edwards
Rudy Giuliani
Chuck Hagel
Bill Richardson
Mike Huckabee
Duncan Hunter
John McCain
Ron Paul
Mitt Romney
Fred Thompson
Tommy Thompson
Tom Tancredo
So, if Fred Thompson wins, pack your bags and buy a plane ticket to Sweden...
New Hampshire moved one step closer to allowing civil unions today with a 14-10 vote in the state senate. The civil unions bill passed the New Hampshire Hoes a couple weeks ago, and the New Hampshire governor has said he will sign the bill.
In Iowa, a comprehensive LGBT anti-discrimination bill won approval in the Iowa House of Representatives yesterday. The Senate has already passed the bill, and the governor has said he will sign it.
In Oregon, a same-sex domestic partnership bill cleared a key senate subcommittee today. The Oregon House has already approved the proposal, and the governor has indicated his support for the bill.
Finally, a federal LGBT hate crimes law was approved by the U.S. House Judiciary Committee today.
New York, NY (AHN) - Funnyman Adam Sandler says his upcoming comedy, "I Pronounce You Chuck And Larry," has a message.
"This movie says there's nothing wrong with being gay," he told Newsweek. "There's just something wrong with being gay for Kevin James."
Co-stars Sandler and James play a pair of straight firemen who enter into a domestic partnership in order for widower Larry's (James) kids to be named as the beneficiaries to his life insurance policy.
To keep their plot from being discovered, the two must act as real newlyweds, according to ComingSoon.net.
"I know Kevin, and it's kind of a strange thing to have to play," Sandler joked with Newsweek. "So to ease the tension, before the first day of shooting, we had sex with each other. ..."It's an old tip I picked up from working with (Jack) Nicholson."
The good news keeps on coming. Looks like gay marriage might be coming to New York pretty soon. According to the NY Times, Eliot Spitzer - the governor of New York - is in the process of drafting a same-sex marriage bill.
Spitzer has, from the start of his political career, endorsed same-sex marriage. Throughout his gubernatorial campaign, Spitzer reiterated his pro-gay position.
Even so, everyone thought it would take time before Spitzer diverted his attention from issues like health care reform and rampant cronyism to gay marriage.
Mike Gallagher - the syndicated, conservative, talk-show host - offered his airtime to Fred Phelps in exchange for Phelps' agreement not to protest the funerals of slain Virginia Tech Students.
"I am proud when a radio show like mine can actually do something good for people. Most times, those of us with a radio show or newspaper column can just talk about issues. Once in awhile, we can literally stop a horrible event in its tracks. This is one of those times. And whether you agree or disagree with me, I just wanted you to know -- from me -- why we're doing this."
The wisdom of giving Phelps airtime notwithstanding, it amazes us how these conservatives are willing to compromise their convictions when fag-hating is involved.
If intolerant conservatives want to compromise their values and "do something good for people," here's an idea: HOW ABOUT NOT BEING SO HOMOPHOBIC?!?!
"I would never have run for anything if I had to wear a dress," said Cynthia. In response, we echo the classmate of Cynthia's who had this to say:
"It's not like the stereotype where the king has to be a jock and he's there with the cheerleaders anymore...We live in a generation now where dudes are chicks and chicks are dudes."
The Oregon Senate passed hate crime legislation today that the Governor is expected to sign. A more widely publicized bill - providing for domestic partnerships - awaits a Senate vote. That bill is also expected to pass.
We at the Opus Gay have known for some time that these bills would pass. This is the reason Oregon is colored a dark Blue in the Rightswatch infographic at the top left of the page.
If you want to get a good sense of how gay rights is progressing in the various states (but don't want to take the time to read a whole lot), just take a gander at the Opus Gay's Rightswatch Graphic. Red means bad, blue means good, and grey means nothing. The darker the blue or red, the better or worse things are. Got it? Good.
Graph from a study called Love Thy Neighbor: How Much Bigotry Is There In Western Countries?, available in pdfhere Did that wake you up - the fact that 22.9% of Americans don't want a gay neighbor?
Well...it didn't surprise us either. In fact, if anything, we're pleasantly surprised with being roughly half as popular as Muslims...
The Smoking Gun posted an item about a principal who is suing four ex-students over a series of fake MySpace pages. The article is a week or so old, but I thought you'd wanna see it anyways.
Though I am slightly offended, I can't help but giggle. If I were the principal in question, I'd find my students' inability to write more offensive than the substantive content of the web page.
Anyways...brb...I gotta go add "the dick" to the "interests" section on my MySpace page...
An Australian politician admitted to visiting a gay sex club in Melbourne for "research" purposes, garnering the praise of senior provincial legislators.
Bruce Atkinson (pictured), an MP from the Liberal party, said he went to the club because he was concerned about the spread of HIV.
Said Atkinson, "You have 30 or 40 men who were engaged in all sorts of sexual acts and it was dark and they couldn't possibly tell who they were involved with."
Even so, I doubt Atkinson would have gotten much action (supposing - as we do - that he were so inclined).
If only Ted Haggard had thought of this angle. Instead of being ousted from his pulpit for sodomy and drug use, he might have been hailed for his "outreach" efforts...
Last night, we posted a partial transcript of a Daily Show segment on former Largo city manager Steve Stanton - who was fired because of his plans to undergo a MTF sex change.
Everybody is talking about Sanjaya. He's so popular that Papaya sales are up, like, a gajillion percent this month.
And the boy is obviously gay? Right?
Oh C'mon! It's Obvious!
Or is it?
Well...we're not the only ones that are troubled by Sanjaya's sexuality (And no: you're not a loser for asking these questions yourself), because Time Magazine reports:
"Of all of the searches for Sanjaya over the last four weeks, 41% were searching on variations of his name, "Sanjaya," or "Sanjaya Malakar," and various misspellings. At least 2.9% searched for information on Sanjaya's sister, who didn't make the cut on the show. The next most popular search topic regarded questions about Sanjaya's sexual orientation, with searches such as "Sanjaya Malakar gay," "Sanjaya gay" and "is Sanjaya gay?" What's missing are searches related to Sanjaya's musical selection or talent."
Several states, cities, and communities had chosen yesterday to organize so-called "Gay? Fine by me." days. Many of these were cancelled due to the percieved incongruity between wearing a fun T-shirt and mourning the victims of the Virginia Tech Massacre (We don't really get it, but oh well...)
Anyways...the National Day of Silence was not cancelled. Students across the country are encouraged to keep quiet today, and, if any one asks, they are to pass out a 'speaking card' with the following text:
"Please understand my reasons for not speaking today. I am participating in the Day of Silence, a national youth movement protesting the silence faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and their allies in schools. My deliberate silence echoes that silence, which is caused by harassment, prejudice, and discrimination. I believe that ending the silence is the first step toward fighting these injustices. Think about the voices you are not hearing today. What are you going to do to end the silence?"
So feel free to turn your back on that annoying teacher...and go ahead and stare silently at that guy in the locker room. It's for a good cause...
Last night, The Daily Show did an unbelievably entertaining piece on the firing of Steve Stanton - the former Largo City Manager who was dismissed after a local newspaper revealed his plans to undergo a MTF sex change.
Mr. Stanton's firing was nothing more than a witch-hunt, and The Daily Show definitely captured the homophobic flavor of the affair.
Here is a partial transcript (although we recommend that you watch the re-run tomorrow morning/night):
Rob Riggle (correspondent): When 'Steve' announced that he was going to become 'Susan,' 'Steve' found himself out of a job.
Steve Stanton: I was fired because I'm a...uh...transgendered individual.
Rob Riggle: That's a charge Largo city leaders strongly deny.
Robert E. Jackson (Fmr. Largo City Mayor): You see, Steve was fired because people lost the trust in him. Transgendered had nuthin' to do with it.
Rob Riggle: Okay. If Steve Stanton walked into your office in a dress, and said: 'I wanna be your city manager, P.S: I'm cutting my penis off?'
Robert E. Jackson: ...I would say, 'please give me your resignation today. I don't think...that behavior - of cross-dressing - is in the best interest of the City of Largo.'
Rob Riggle: After fourteen years of service, positive feedback, multiple raises, and good reviews, you gotta go?
Robert E. Jackson: You better believe it.
Rob Riggle: Well what if he wore a pantsuit? Look at Hillary: it's working for her!
Robert E. Jackson: No! I don't wanna know what goes on in your bedroom, or wherever it is they get together...I guess the bathroom or the parks or something...
Rob Riggle: You heard it from the Mayor: if you like anonymous sex, come to the bathroom in the Largo City Park.
All of the sudden, the Soulforce equality ride doesn't seem quite as depressing.
Many of you have probably heard of the Soulforce Equality Ride. Basically, it's a group of Christian GLBT people who are going around the country, visiting schools that condemn homosexuality.
As you can imagine, these visits are rarely cause for optimism. Usually, news stories about Soulforce go something like this:
JESUSLAND, VA (AP). Homosexual agenda-pushers - travelling on a flamboyant bus - tried to force their way into Fred Phelps University today. All the queers were arrested, and townspeople spray-painted their bus with homophobic slurs. University spokesman, Leviticus Iscoolio, condemned the protest.
Gordon College student John Stoeckle, the executive president of the student association, had the following to say: "I don't believe in a fortress-like approach to life...I find myself growing and realizing that the world is also a very complicated place, and we're often not really very good at loving people. We let beliefs become abstractions, and not people. And we have students at Gordon who are homosexual and really struggle with being here."
If that doesn't make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, I don't know what will...
Having broached the subject of that crazy ole' coot Phelps, I figured I'd mention a more uplifting story on the intersection between religion and sexuality.
The MCC, or Metropolitan Community Church (which, on the philosophical spectrum of Jesus-centric organized religion- sits roughly one billion miles away from the Westboro Baptist Church).
I received an email a few minutes ago suggesting that Fred Phelps and members of his Westboro Baptist Church are planning on protesting the funerals of the students who died yesterday.
Seems odd that God would choose a conservative Virginia university to make his point...
Fred Phelps' God's view notwithstanding: my condolences.
Here is a quote from the church's website:
"WBC will preach at the funerals of the Virginia Tech students killed on campus during a shooting rampage April 16, 2007. You describe this as monumental horror, but you know nothing of horror -- yet. Your bloody tyrant Bush says he is 'horrified' by it all. You know nothing of horror -- yet. Your true horror is coming. 'They shall also gird themselves with sackloth, and horror shall cover them; and shame shall be upon all faces, and baldness upon all their heads' (Eze. 7:18).
Why did this happen, you ask? It's simple. Your military chose to shoot at the servants of God today, and all they got for their effort was terror. Then, the LORD your God sent a crazed madman to shoot at your children. Was God asleep while this took place? Was He on vacation? Of course not. He willed this to happen to punish you for assailing His servants."
A 'Savage' Attack : Though Phelps is undoubtedly an outlier, he's not the only one who has blamed school shootings on the GLBT community. A couple of weeks ago, Michael Savage - the nationally-syndicated, conservative, talk-show host - did the same thing.
A GLBT Hate Crimes bill was introduced in the Senate yesterday. It's basically identical to the "Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007" that was introduced in the House three weeks ago.
This time around (many similar bills have been introduced over the last decade), the bill's supporters are doing a better job of marketing. They plan to name it after Matthew Shepard (pictured). Second choice: "The Flags for Orphans Bill." (Simpsons reference...sorry.)
Anyways, I give the bill about a 90% chance of passing.
Turns out there was this crazy old coot in the gallery during the committee vote who wanted to read an article entitled "Homosexuality More Dangerous Than Smoking." Well that, of course caught my attention.
The article in question summarizes a "scientific" study done by the highly-regarded "Family Research Institute." Forthcoming studies include "Gay People Eat Children" and "Gay People Throw Feces at Each Other." Ugh....does anyone take these people seriously?!?!
Just the other day, I thought to myself "Hmmm...maybe I'll get me one of those Mini Coopers." Then I read this article: Gay by Design, or a Lifestyle Choice?
And now, I'm not so sure.
By the way, why do lesbians get all the fun, automotive puns? "Lesbarus?" "Dykes on Bikes?"
This would have an interesting effect on the prominence of LGBT issues during the primaries.
Given that New Hampshire is the second primary state, passage of the bill will make it all but impossible for presidential candidates to avoid talking about civil unions fairly early in their campaigns.
Apparently, Out Magazine has included people who aren't openly gay in its annual list of the 50 most influential gay and lesbian women in America: The Glass Closet.
Here's an article by Dennis Prager from HumanEvents.com that is bound to make your blood boil. The thesis is that the 'outing' of gay conservatives demonstrates how the gay rights movement is morally and ethically unappealing. Such 'outings' have no defensible justification, Prager argues, and 'outing' someone betrays the sinister way that gay rights advocates (and liberals in general) go about their advocacy.
Prager writes,
It is difficult to identify a more morally repellent act -- outside of violence -- than "outing" a gay person for political gain. Yet, those who "out" gay conservatives defend their actions -- and they do so by blaming their victims.
Of course, the premise required to pull off this "remarkable" argument is that being gay is indeed horrible. Hardly surprising - yet it is rare to see conservative blatherings that are so transparently reliant on a disapproval of homosexuality.
This is also a case of the pot calling the kettle black. Karl Rove is notorious for questioning the sexuality of political adversaries. Remember the Bush administration's efforts to discredit Joseph Wilson (Valerie Plame's husband) by portraying him as a flamboyant, girly-man?
At least when gay rights advocates or liberals "out" political opponents, it is not with a belief that they are accusing those opponents of something horrible.